Diffusion Encoding Gradients Example¶
import os
import build_gropt
import gropt
from helper_utils import *
from interactive_plots import plot_waveform_interactive
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
init_notebook_mode(connected = True)
config={'showLink': False, 'displayModeBar': False}
from timeit import default_timer as timer
%matplotlib inline
Building GrOpt . . .
Constraints on:¶
Maximum gradient amplitude: params[‘gmax’]
Maximum slew rate: params[‘smax’]
Zero gradient moment = 0 (mT*ms)/m
Add objective function to maximize b-value
Add constraint to turn gradients off during excitation RF (T_90), refocusing RF (T_180), and ADC readout (T_redout)
params = {}
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval' # Objective function that maximizes b-value
params['gmax'] = 50 # Maximum gradient amplitude, mT/m
params['smax'] = 100 # Maximum slew rate, mT/m/ms
params['MMT'] = 0 # Nulling M0
params['T_readout'] = 20 # Time from start to center of readout, ms
params['T_90'] = 3 # Duration of excitation RF pulse, ms
params['T_180'] = 5 # Duration of refocusing RF pulse, ms
params['b'] = 1000 # Diffusion b-value, s/mm^2
params['dt'] = 400e-6 # Raster time of the gradient waveform being optimized
# Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (CODE)
G_min, T_min = get_min_TE(params, bval=params['b'], min_TE = 40, max_TE = 120)
print('Minimum TE =', round(T_min,2), 'ms')
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(-1*G_min, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
Minimum TE = 69.06 ms
M0 Nulled CODE¶
Generate a waveform with \(M_0 = 0\), other parameters as listed in the code.
TE was manually selected (44.4 ms) to hit b-value = 600
params = {}
# Maximize b-value for diffusion waveforms
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval'
# Hardware constraints
params['gmax'] = 50.0 # Max Gradient Amplitude [mT/m], you can use T/m here too
params['smax'] = 50.0 # Max Slewrate [mT/m/ms]
# Moment nulling
params['MMT'] = 0
# Sequence TE and dt of output [ms]
params['TE'] = 60
params['dt'] = 400e-6
# Time from end of diffusion waveform to TE [ms]
params['T_readout'] = 16.0
# Time of excitation 90 [ms]
params['T_90'] = 4.0
# Time for 180 flip [ms]
params['T_180'] = 6.0
# Run optimization
G, dd = gropt.gropt(params, verbose=1)
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(G, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
M0+M1 Nulled CODE¶
Generate a waveform with \(M_0 = 0\) and \(M_1 = 0\), other parameters as listed in the code.
TE was manually selected (82 ms) to hit b-value = 600
params = {}
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval'
params['gmax'] = 0.05
params['smax'] = 50.0
params['MMT'] = 1
params['TE'] = 82.0
params['T_readout'] = 16.0
params['T_90'] = 4.0
params['T_180'] = 6.0
params['dt'] = 200e-6
G, dd = gropt.gropt(params, verbose=1)
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(G, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
Constraining \(M_0 = M_1 = 0\) for conventional and optimized diffusion encoding methods mitigate signal losses, due to constant moving tissue
M0+M1+M2 Nulled CODE¶
Generate a waveform with \(M_0 = 0\), \(M_1 = 0\) and \(M_2 = 0\), other parameters as listed in the code.
TE was manually selected (97 ms) to hit b-value = 600
params = {}
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval'
params['gmax'] = 0.05
params['smax'] = 50.0
params['MMT'] = 2
params['TE'] = 97.0
params['T_readout'] = 16.0
params['T_90'] = 4.0
params['T_180'] = 6.0
params['dt'] = 200e-6
G, dd = gropt.gropt(params, verbose=1)
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(G, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
Constraining \(M_0 = M_1 = M_2 = 0\) for conventional and optimized diffusion encoding methods mitigate signal losses, due to constant moving and accelerating tissue
We constrain to null for a specific eddy current time constants (lambda) to null diffusion incuded eddy current¶
params = {}
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval'
params['MMT'] = 0
params['gmax'] = 50
params['smax'] = 100.0
params['T_readout'] = 20.0
params['T_90'] = 3
params['T_180'] = 5
params['dt']= 400e-6
bval = 1000
# ************
# Null eddy current for lambda time constant = 60ms
# ************
params['eddy_params'] = [[60.0, 0.0, 1.0e-4, 0.0]]
G_min, T_min = get_min_TE(params, bval, min_TE = 80, max_TE = 120)
print('Minimum TE =', round(T_min,2), 'ms')
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(G_min, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
Minimum TE = 88.2 ms
We can constrain to null more than one eddy current time constants (lambda) as well¶
params = {}
params['mode'] = 'diff_bval'
params['MMT'] = 0
params['gmax'] = 50
params['smax'] = 100.0
params['T_readout'] = 20.0
params['T_90'] = 3
params['T_180'] = 5
params['dt'] = 400e-6
bval = 1000
# ************
# Null eddy current for lambda time constants = 5, 50, and 100ms
# ************
params['eddy_params'] = [[5.0, 0.0, 1.0e-4, 0.0]]
params['eddy_params'].append([50.0, 0.0, 1.0e-4, 0.0])
params['eddy_params'].append([100.0, 0.0, 1.0e-4, 0.0])
G_min, T_min = get_min_TE(params, bval, min_TE = 80, max_TE = 120)
print('Minimum TE =', round(T_min,2), 'ms')
fig = plot_waveform_interactive(G_min, params, width=585, height=430)
plot(fig, filename = 'fig.html', config = config)
Minimum TE = 97.81 ms